Saturday, November 30, 2013


I had an appointment with my neurologist a few days ago.  Afterwards, I had breakfast and noticed what appeared to be seagulls in a lake.  When I put my vehicle window down to take a closer look, here they came!  It reminded me of the movie The Birds  lol  They just wanted food.

I think I made some new friends.  You can't have too many of those!

Laugh and Smile Often, Love ALWAYS!!!

Courthouse Christmas Lights

I love the Christmas lights our city puts up!!!  They are lit the day after Thanksgiving.

They can be seen out in the country too.     

Laugh and Smile Often, Love ALWAYS!!!


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

In a few hours it will be Thanksgiving.  Happy Thanksgiving!!!  I am so blessed to have all the fabulous people in my life!!!  I have been spending lots of time with my sisters the last few weeks.  I have missed them so much and being together again has been so special!!!   Hopefully our brother will hang with us one day. 
My Meniere's Disease is acting up as usual.  I started out good today but a trip in the store set it off and I had to go lay down in the vehicle while my sisters stayed in the store and finished their shopping.  I wish the ringing in my right ear would stay away.  The double and blurry vision are enough.  It has been cold the low 20sF in the evening.  It has been snowing off and on all week.  It is beautiful to see but I can't watch it long before the dizziness starts.

Columbus, OH   

 Have a very blessed Thanksgiving!!!

Laugh and Smile Often, Love ALWAYS!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

New Day

After the terrifying night of tornado warnings, it was fabulous to see the rising sun of a brand new day!!!  We were truly blessed to have such a gorgeous day!!!  I was with my sisters which made it even more fabulous!!!  We all agreed that we missed our brother!!!  I dearly LOVE my siblings!!!

Laugh and Smile Often, Love ALWAYS!!!

Saturday, November 16, 2013


I saw this picture and instantly fell in love!

Laugh and Smile Often, Love ALWAYS!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

It's Snowing!!!

The first snowfall of the Fall/Winter Season is always exciting to me!!!  We are supposed to get about an inch of snow.  We shall see what the morning brings!

This was taken about 8:45pm

These 2 pictures were taken an hour later.

Laugh and Smile often, Love ALWAYS!!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Local Murals

There are some fabulous artists in my area.  Here are some murals.  Enjoy!!!

There are lots of trains that come through Mt Victory..This mural is definitely appropriate here.

They have yummy food!

Laugh and Smile often, Love ALWAYS!!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Time To Snuggle

Today was an exhausting day....I was a bit down.  I heard a song that reminded me of someone.  They say animals can pick up when they are needed the most and mine always know when I need a snuggle, which instantly brightens me up!!!

Nothing helps brighten my day like snuggles from Ditto!!! 

                                                               Snuggles all around!!!

PK and Moe

Oreo, Odd Ball, and Shadow

Millie hiding in my bed

Bailey snuggling with her pink bunny.  She loves to lay her head on a pillow and get covered up with a blanket.

Ok...Chocolate helps too!!!  lol  This is a x-ray cake.  I didn't think it turned out too bad.  The main thing is my sister-in-law loved it for her party at work.   It has been so long since I have done a cake because of everything I have going on physically.  I took LOTS of breaks.  I am glad Wilton has colored sprays for decorating cakes.

A very dear friend saw me today and said I look like I am glowing ALL the time!!!  Even if I get sad sometimes, the feeling doesn't last long.  I have fabulous friends, family, God, and LOTS of snuggles to get me over it QUICK!!! 

Laugh and Smile often, Love ALWAYS!!!

Friday, November 1, 2013


I have so much happiness in me I feel like I am going to burst!!!  I don't have much money but my heart is VERY happy!!!  That is ALL I wanted in be happy!!!  I have met LOTS of amazing people on my incredible journey!!!  Today, I was at the store with my sisters.  We were checking out.  I saw this woman in the next check out lane and I got the over powering feeling to talk to her.    I told her about my miraculous May 11, 2012 day.  She told me she and her husband had just watched a program about people who have went to the other side and I looked like them...We all have the big smile and talk about the NEVER ending love and how beautiful it is!!!  She told me she was going to tell her husband about me and what I told her would give him comfort.  He has cancer.   We both said, "Everything happens for a reason."   She has a gorgeous smile!!! 
Here are some Fall pictures in my small area in this big world.  I am very thankful I could enjoy the gorgeous colors today!!!  Many blessings and lots of love to ALL of you!!! 

Laugh and Smile often, Love ALWAYS!!!


I am so sorry I haven't been posting lately.  Things have been on the crazy side here.  Yes, I do have crazy moments.  LOL  Last night, we had tornado warnings.  Praise God there were NO injuries!!! 

1 of the windows on the church got blown and part of the tree got damaged out last night.

The windows got blown out of this bank last night.  Part of the roof is gone from the joining building. 

1 of several houses and buildings that the roof is damaged.

Laugh and Smile often, Love ALWAYS!!!