Sunday, February 8, 2015


We all need to have purpose in our life or we are nothing but empty shells.  I feel my purpose in life is to give people hope and happiness.  We are NOT put on this earth to be mean and vindictive.  We ARE however suppose to LOVE and SUPPORT each other!!  POSITIVE NOT negative IS the key to a very happy and fulfilled life!!  God should ALWAYS be priority ONE, then FAMILY, Friends, and your job.  May you ALL find a POSITIVE purpose!!

Have a very blessed day everyone and remember:  YOU ARE LOVED SO VERY MUCH!!!

Laugh And Smile Often, Love ALWAYS!!!

That's God

I just heard this song on the radio.  It touched my heart!  I hope you enjoy it!!

Have a very blessed day everyone and remember:  YOU ARE LOVED SO VERY MUCH!!

Laugh And Smile Often, Love ALWAYS!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Biopsy Results

I received my biopsy report Friday from my gynecologist.  He said the report came back.  There are NO precancerous cells on the inside of my cervix and the surrounding tissue on the outside beyond the precancerous cells shows there are none there too!!!  Yeah!!  OUR GOD IS AWESOME!!!
You all have a very blessed day and remember:  YOU ARE LOVED SO VERY MUCH!!!

Laugh And Smile Often, Love ALWAYS!!!