August 10, 2012 I was scheduled for another crainiotomy. This one was to repair the one on the left side of my head. I decided to get my head shaved before surgery to save them a step and so I wouldn't have any "stragglers". LOL
Friday, August 10, 2012 arrived. I was not scared at all! I had so much peace!!! From the time I walked into the hospital until the time I left, the people who knew why I was there could not believe I was constantly smiling and laughing! I told them the story about that glorious May 11 day and then they knew...How could I be sad after that day!!!
My neurosurgeon saw me, marked my head where he was going to do the incision, pulled my big toe, winked at me, and told me he would see me in surgery. I was laughing!
One of the nurses came in and said my neurosurgeon would be in to see me shortly. I laughed and said he was already there and showed her my head where he had just marked it. She quickly grabbed another nurse to help get me prepped for surgery. She didn't want to keep the surgeon waiting. The anesthesiologist came in and asked if I needed anything to calm my nerves. I was still laughing and smiling! 1 of the nurses looked at him and said, "Does she LOOK like she needs anything?!"
He smiled and said, "Not at all!"
I was being wheeled to the OR....Still smiling and laughing! I had the nurses laughing at me! In the OR I was moved to the operating table. My arms were strapped down. I had everyone in the OR smiling and laughing! I remember a black mask coming towards my face and the anesthesiologist telling me he would see me when I woke up. Night, Night! :)
I woke up in recovery smiling and laughing...1 of the nurses told me I did NOT have surgery. I laughed and told her Yes I did because my head was bandaged and my right wrist was bandaged where they tapped into my artery to keep track of my blood pressure. She told me they couldn't find my surgeon to see why it was cancelled and my head was bandaged because I had staples in my head where they had my head pinned in the OR. I kept smiling and laughing! She asked me if she could bedazzle my bandages. I told her Sure! Go for it girlfriend! Most of the people were laughing in recovery then. :)
1 of the nurses picked up my paperwork and said, "Oh, No!!!"
I asked what was wrong. She said I was to be dismissed and they needed to keep me 1 night and take me room to room to cheer up everybody else because they don't get very many happy people in there! I told her if she could get it approved by my neurosurgeon, this chick was staying! They laughed! They couldn't find my surgeon so I was dismissed.
My cousin was taking me home from the hospital. We were on the interstate. She typically drives in the left lane but that day she was in the right lane. There were cables and posts running down between the east and west bound lanes. They were more over towards our side. We were in the west bound lane. It had been raining. A white pick up truck lost control in the east bound lane. If she would have had her window down she could have touched the hood on his truck!!! I looked up and said, "Thank you Angels!!!"
She smiled and looked at me and said they must work overtime looking after me! I smiled, laughed and said, "Yes, they do!!!"
On Sunday, my neurosurgeon called me. He asked how I was doing and I told him fabulous I just had to keep working on getting the anesthetic out of my system. I also told him I was a bit confused why I didn't have surgery. He said he had a gut wrenching feeling NOT to do my surgery...No matter how much he wanted to do it, he could NOT shake that feeling!!! I told him I respected him for listening to that feeling because every time I don't listen to it, something horrible goes wrong. He said the same thing happens to him. He also said he talked my case over with another neurosurgeon and he agreed surgery should NOT be done at that time because the aneurysm on the left is in the dominant hemisphere part of my brain and it is very deep. It is also very small. I laughed and told him we have to watch the 1 in the back of my head, we might as well watch that one too! He told me after he cancelled my surgery and everyone in the OR was looking at him like he was crazy, he walked out of the OR and his phone rang. It was for him to go perform a life saving procedure on someone else!!! Had he continued with my surgery, he would not have been free to do the other person's surgery! Every thing happens for a reason!!! I am the perfect example of that! :)
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Ditto missed me even tho I was only gone for most of 1 day. I kept moving him off my arms and he would move back so he would know if I got up. I do believe he is smiling in his sleep! |
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